Metta Meditation
dom, 23 jun
|Aldeia da Praia - Antiga Colonia de Feri
We would like to invite you to a guided meditation followed by a meditative concert; 15mins of Metta Meditation(loving kindness) followed by 45mins of acoustic, meditative music using Didgeridoo, Harmonium, Flute, Jaws harp, Gong. Tuvan, Overtone singing and mantras.

Horario y ubicación
23 jun 2019, 18:00
Aldeia da Praia - Antiga Colonia de Feri, Av. do Atlântico 189, 2705-288 Colares, Portugal
Acerca del evento
We would like to invite you to a guided meditation followed by a meditative concert; 15mins of Metta Meditation(loving kindness)
followed by 45mins of acoustic, meditative music using Didgeridoo, Harmonium, Flute, Jaws harp, Gong. Tuvan, Overtone singing and mantras.
Metta means ‘Loving-kindness’ or compassionate love. It is the wish for all beings to be well and happy.
Metta round the world is an initiative created by the Theravada master from the Sri Lankan tradition, Bhante Mahinda, to encourage people to meditate and pray for world peace, harmony and stability. I will be using his guided Metta Meditation.
For more information see http://mettaroundtheworld.org/
Alban Hall has been working in this field since 2004.
While I play my proposal is to be as fully aware as possible. The
focus point being here and now, in the body, with these people, in this room, listening to this music. An observance of the phenomena of sound, as it arises, as it goes, as it transforms, with acceptation and an open heart.
Thank you be well and happy
Alban Hall 916003523
Alban Hall co-founded the group OCO (2004) that helped give rise to what we call ´Viagem Sonora´ in Portugal. You can listen to our album Harmonic Sound Travel and Beyond Dust and Bones in our site:
Please reserve your ticket by email booking@aldeiadapraia.pt or by phone 218 058 356